With the cash we lose the last privacy --- It comes the total control and dependence on bank and state !!!

euro-scheine The EU and the financial sector have turned a blind eye to 30 million EU citizens who do not have a bank account. In order to make them fully-fledged consumers, the EU has now proclaimed a "social right" on a bank account. In fact, it is about abolishing cash to control all private transactions.
The ticket for the bus by mobile phone, the rib at the bakery with credit card - in Sweden you can pay almost everywhere cashless. Abba star Björn Ulvaeus called for a cash boycott in 2013. Unfortunately he did not recognize the dangers !!!

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The international community will be consciously controlled to regard this as a just punishment for a presumptuous, presumptuous US ...

Dollar fall on the way to a world currency

Nothing is as it seems. Black is white, white is black, good is evil and evil is good. Simple is complex and vice versa. That is the reason why the underlying propaganda messages are being used. In particular, this applies to the "tensions" between the West and Russia in the case of Ukraine. If you look more closely at the "driving forces" behind the advanced political actors, you will find that there is no difference between these two elite blocks of power. Both "entities" are dominated by global big banks and have been made dependent on them. Not only can they confuse and frighten the masses, they can later claim salvation as the heroes behind it. The Hegelian dialectic is the mainstay of tyrants...

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