We have set up an independent community and news platform, which is already over 5 years old, to better communicate freely without all censorship. Unfortunately, the 2018 platform was totally blocked, now we are back and reachable on a new server and wish you all a lot of fun again. Independent NEWS for YOU with YOU!We also give you the opportunity to do research yourself and to publish contributions. We bring information that the mainstream media does not show. You are welcome to register and be a part of the community ...
We report back events and news without being censored by anyone, completely free. We are working on a new system of coexistence which you can design with. Everyone is welcome and we hope that we continue to have good and many approaches to a NEW Europe through active participation. Here you can open your own blog, research and write your own articles, design and publish books and poems, and easily share them with your friends on social networks at the touch of a button. We talk and think about what's going on in Europe and the world, and get back together in groups to discuss these issues. YOU can also report on your hobbies here and share with others. The revolution begins with you! Recognize the lies and manipulation of the mainstream press, the whole system and the money system problem, and inform yourself independently, and especially SELF. Invite friends and share our page or posts. Join in and be ACTIVE yourself in education and independent dissemination of information in the DU actively cooperate and write down your opinion! But it should also be fun and new friendships will be found .... who is already there, have a look here
Log in and change the world or share what YOU do with it. Everyone can open their blog here and write articles. If you sign up you can set your language and also write in this language your contributions. If you want to upload pictures, music or videos there are possibilities in your profile. But the most important thing is to collect well-researched news and information that must be made with correct sources, as otherwise any information would be refuted or reversed to publish here and share in social networks so that as many educated and informed. Knowledge is power!
In order to be even better and better for you, we now have in each profile the possibility that everyone can open their groups, where everyone can then exchange and discuss the contributions. In the group photos and videos can be posted and then discussed with comments. I hope together we will walk the path of peace and find new rules for life in Europe in a peaceful community.
We have been working for five years absolutely free and independent and finance ourselves exclusively from our own time and money to keep for our readers and users this independence. We can proudly say that we financed the first years 100% out of our own pocket! But here too the motto applies: WE ARE STRONG together! You are invited to write and research yourself. With help from you would be more and better or larger reports and research possible ... so we would be happy, a good contribution or even a donation of your choice. No one has to fulfill a subscription or compulsory membership here. All are welcome, even without a donation ... www.faceblogs.eu
If you have also realized that in this world not everything is as it seems, then help us enlighten others. We research and inform about various topics that are not widespread or even completely secretive or misinformed. An action that already ran the second time is the Wake Up Challenge. More information to follow here ....